Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Be Ready Because I Am About to Call You by Name
Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 7, 2024

Most Holy Mary:
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I bless you, My children, I bless you, I embrace you at My breast, I carry you with Me, I sustain you in this painful ascent. I love you infinitely, I want to bring you to My Jesus, pure and immaculate in Love.
Listen to Me, follow Me, be obedient, respect the divine laws, never lose faith, cling to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and to My Immaculate Heart. Ask for St. Joseph's help, His intercession is powerful.
My beloved children, you are about to experience a new situation. An encounter with your Lord will transform your life , transform things on this Earth and bring peace to this world for those who repent and want to accept Him as the one and only true God, the only God. There is no other God but Him, Jesus Christ, the Lord.
God the Father now cries out His righteousness, it is time for new things for the children of God , it is time to start living in joy and Love. It is time to enjoy the things He already has ready for all His children, for His new people, the ones who will set their feet in the New Land. There they will dwell their lives in the infinite joy of Love and will live side by side with their Creator God and will always be joyful because joy will enter them, they will be part of the joy and Love that is in God the Father.
My beloved children, oh you who are devotedly truly following this call and are ready to begin a battle together with Mary Most Holy, verily I say to you, verily I say to you, My children: be ready, be ready because I am about to call you by name . I am about to put you in a new dimension, in a new situation. You are going to dwell in this dimension and you are going to be together with your loved ones, you are going to meet your loved ones, you are going to meet your animals, those who have been the companions in your life, those who have loved you and you have loved. Here they are all ready there waiting for you, waiting to be reunited with their masters, the animals and your loved ones are waiting to embrace you again and to continue a journey into a new and wonderful life together.
This generation will be a generation that will keep God's commandments, will always be ready to embrace His word, will walk, will sow, will baptize. A new generation will grow and be holy and be spotless in God's Love.
Behold,these elections have been won by the one who has been chosen by Heaven. You will have great news, soon, My children. You will have to know a greatness that God has prepared for you also through this person whom He has chosen.
Always pray, My children, always be united. When you open your eyes to the new day you will truly know what God's Love had prepared for each of you so that you will truly live happily, far from the one who is evil because evil will no longer exist.
Strengthen yourselves in love, go forth and be joyful. God the Father blesses you, the Holy Trinity blesses you in the Name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Embraced by Her who is the begetter of all things still blesses you in the Name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥